Vision Alignment tool

Vision Alignment Tool

This tool brings together the key concepts and 4 steps of the Empowered Perspective method.

Aims of the tool: 

  • Get clear on why you want what you want
  • Tap into your inspiration so you feel moved to take action. 
  • Uncover the unconscious so you can start choosing the Empowered Perspective and start flowing towards your end results.
  • Become aware of any resistance you are feeling about taking the obvious next action so you can dissolve this, either through awareness or at the weekly group coaching session.

To complete the activity:

  • Grab your pen and paper or your device. 
  • Write numbers 1-7 vertically down the left-hand side.

Step 5-7 are about getting clear on what you would love to create. Tapping into your inspiration. 

  • Point 5: Write down your end result. Your target. Your goal. What it is that you want. 
  • Point 6: Unpack why you want this. What will it actually give you? Why do you want that? Keep going with this questioning until natural completion.
  • Point 7: What is the impact this would have on your life and those around you?

*EXPERIENCE THE END RESULT NOW* - there is a guided meditation starting at 03:07.

Close your eyes. 

Visualise: Describe, what do you see? What do you see yourself doing? What is around you? What are you wearing? Anything visual you can describe in a way that would allow others to see what you see.

Audio: What do you hear? What are others saying about you? What are others saying to you? What are you saying about and to yourself?

Kinaesthetic: How does it feel? What is the emotion? Where are you feeling it in the body? Does it have a shape? Colour? Texture?

  • Point 2: Your current reality. How are things right now in relation to your end result? What actions are you taking or not taking? What do you have or not have right now, compared to what you do or don't have at your desired end result? Be honest. 
  • Point 1: Write down where you have come from, a logical step back before the present time. You will see that you are already on the path. This also helps when completing points 3 and 4. 
  • Point 3: we uncover what is unconscious. Observe where your mind goes when you feel into and think about your end result. Take a note of the fears, doubts and worries. These thoughts and emotions are feedback. No need to change them or judge them at this point. It is simply about building awareness of where we are currently at. Write down what assumptions you are making about yourself, others and about how the world works that have led to the results you have now or have experienced in the past. How possible does it feel to have your end result now? Why can't you have it now?
  • Point 4: After feeling into the end result, what is the obvious next step? Remember, trust is the leading energy. We only need to observe what the next step is. The following steps will reveal themselves as you move.
  • Also next to Point 4: Rate your resistance. Check in question: Can you take the obvious next step? Do you feel any resistance to taking it? If you were to rate the resistance from 0-10, 0 being "I can do it right away", and 10 means "there is no way I can take this action, I am completely stuck". What score would you give it?

What now?

Releasing the resistance is what we do in the weekly group coaching. If there is any resistance to the taking this step, log it for now and bring it with you to the group coaching call. 

In the mean time: Continue to focus on the target. Choose the Empowered Perspective. Take the obvious next step and if you can’t, use the group coaching sessions to clear your resistance until you can take it. Rinse and repeat. This is a practice, a way of being.  

Complete and Continue  